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Jessica, I resonate with a lot of what you write, but this one hit me hard. In Fall 2022 the CDC Director made *celebratory* remarks on Twitter about the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. I watched many absolutely roast her for the remarks which made me do a deep dive into what really happened with this study.

That was the turning point that felt like there was no going back and when I started saying "I can't unsee what I've seen." I know it SHOULD have been many many times before this one things, but I do regret I was likely operating out of a place of white middle class woman privilege.

That night, I asked my husband, "How do we trust a gov't to tell us what's best about Covid when they did THIS?" I tried to talk to my friends about it too, but they just looked at me with that glazed look and I started to say..."stop looking at me like I am some QAnon conspiracy theorist." and then I'd follow up with "WE NOW KNOW THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED... I am just simply asking the hard questions of when do we trust that those in charge have our best interest at hand and how will we know if they are f'ing us or not?" I have been tossing that last question over and over in my mind for 2 years now. Little seeds of suspicion planted along with real time events, it's hard to unsee, ignore or pretend like something more nefarious isn't at play. Some of it is the evidence I've seen with my own 2 eyes, the other part is I can't figure out any other logical answers for it to make sense other than eugenics and capitalism no matter the cost which includes my and my family's lives.

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