How to Prepare for What's Coming without Being a Complete Asshole
About ten years ago, the National Geographic Channel aired this show about doomsday preppers. One woman was filling her entire house with food. She thought she was going to continue cooking gourmet meals while the world burned down around her. One guy tried to build a castle in the middle of the woods. He forced his children from two marriages to eat expired MREs and almost got them electrocuted during a severe storm. The unfinished part of his fortress was basically a long line of lightning rods.
One guy almost shot his thumb off.
Every now and then, you ran across someone smart. One guy was learning how to cook food with parabolic solar mirrors.
One guy was farming worms.
One thing became clear after two seasons. Some people were actually trying to figure out how to make it in a worst-case scenario. Others were just playing Rambo and maxing out their privilege.
Our planet just got a new expiration date. Nobody really knows when something like a breadbasket failure or a major suppl…