It Wasn't Unprecedented. It Was a Dragon King.
A term from systems theory helps explain the collapse of our climate.
Here's what happened in Lahaina: It wasn't just a wildfire. It was a wildfire plus the equivalent of a category one hurricane with wind gusts up to 80 mph. It was a pyrocane. A meteorologist on CNN actually does a fairly good job of explaining all of the details. The word "unprecedented" is getting thrown around, except it wasn't unprecedented. It was predicted.
It was a dragon king event.
In Chinese mythology, the dragon king commands oceans, lakes, rivers, and rain. He controls dragons and sea creatures.
He makes the weather.
Didier Sornette introduced dragon king theory in the 2000s as a way of explaining what “experts” miss when they assume systems behave in steady, predictable ways while ignoring anomalies and dismissing rare events. It's exactly what climate minimizers do when they shrug off multiple thousand-year disasters happening one right after another.
Dragon kings bring about catastrophic transitions. They reveal small and overlooked aspects of complex, nonlinear syste…