There's no limit to what it can steal from you.
Those are the words of Natalie, a Covid survivor who went hiking on her wedding day. Now she spends her life in a darkened bedroom. Meanwhile, a world-class trail runner named Emilia kills herself after a Covid infection leaves her with an unstable heart. Around the world, smart talented young men and women are losing their careers after Covid ravages their organs, their brains, their immune systems. Some of them will recover. Some might benefit from treatment. Many of them will never be the same.
These were musicians, writers, scientists, athletes.
They were the future.
We only have estimates, since our governments refuse to collect or report official data. Based on hundreds of sources, your general risk for Long Covid hovers around 10 percent for both adults and children. That's the number given by an important study "The Immunology of Long Covid" in Nature Reviews Immunology. They overview the wide range of conditions, ranging fr…