Normal is Killing Us
I've been thinking about all the things that used to be normal.
It used to be normal to own someone. It used to be normal to work them to death. It used to be normal for a man to beat his wife and force her to have sex. It used to be normal to steal an entire group of people's land and then give it to someone else. It used to be normal to exterminate an entire race. It used to be normal to sterilize anyone who society didn't want having kids.
You might think we've come a long way.
We haven't, not really.
The first world outsourced its cruelty. We've put a kinder face on it. We don't get our hands dirty. For instance: We say we're against genocide, but we're funding genocide in Yemen. We've given the Saudi military more than $50 billion. They've used it to bomb schools and hospitals.
It's normal.
Last year, the White House threatened to veto a bill that would've ended some of that support. Apparently our relationship with oil rich nations outweighs our party's ethics. A lot of Amer…