You're completely right of course that yoga is sold as a panacea, and in a way that de-politicises major issues, including widespread brain damage caused by the Covid infections we're all supposed to have forgotten about.

However, it doesn't help to belittle difficulties caused by the menopause. The menopause can be a huge health issue, and can indeed cause incredibly debilitating brain fog. For sure there is a general rise in brain fog, and of course a huge % of that will be down to Covid, but that doesn't mean we have to completely rule out or downplay other important health issues. Many more women are now aware of menopause symptoms, due to a welcome rise in public discussion and awareness on the subject, and this actually may also be part of the reason for the rise in reported cases of brain fog.

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I had brain fog for 18 months before it lifted. It was a great relief, but now in times of extreme stress (wild fires threatening, and heavy smoke from those fires settling over our home), it comes creeping back. A few more words every day that I can't remember. Nobody notices but me, and I'm sure that if I announced to the friends who I've told my fog has lifted that it's creeping back, they'd just shake their heads in disgust...or just not register it. In general, I'm finding people (even "good friends") less caring than before. Nobody bothered to call when we were under the greatest fire danger. Maybe their own lives are just too complicated to be concerned with mine.

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Thank you for another well written piece. I was just talking about this. We need people writing about this. Cognition for me has been a huge part of this illness for me.

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