As many readers know, I was told to resign from my teaching position this year after requesting an official remote work option. The ironic thing: As I was packing my bags, the faculty and administrators who did nothing to advocate for me told me how bad they felt, and then they asked me to give them all the learning and teacher-training materials I'd developed. It was a pretty hefty amount of stuff, including online textbooks and manuals.
They wanted to use it all.
I gave it to them.
Since then, I've committed to writing this newsletter full-time. My family is getting settled in our new home, and I'm starting to think about reopening this platform for other writers again, with stricter guidelines about content. There's been a stream of support, but it's still unsteady and uncertain at times.
If you've been supporting this publication, then I appreciate it. You're the reason I've been able to keep going, and you're the reason I'll continue writing about controversial and unplea…