Most people think the main problem with Oedipus is that he secretly wants to kill his father and possess his mother. That's not the point. The problem with Oedipus is that by trying to avoid his fate, he fulfills it.
Toward the end, he finally gets it.
He's not the good guy.
He's the bad guy.
That's the reason why the story of Oedipus endures. It's a powerful moment for someone to spend their entire lives thinking they're the hero, only to find out they're the villain. It's interesting. Western mythology and popular culture are filled with cautionary tales about villains who think they're heroes. And yet, we never seem to take the hint.
The truth is, America has never truly faced its own history. That's why a large portion of them can't see what's happening in Gaza. They're reading it through the lens of American exceptionalism. They're reading it through a sanitized history of its own slavery and genocide. As we speak, many of our politicians are trying to …