
As is truth that we already fully acknowledge into by that and however,my goals is planning to stops begin into oils drilling and stop abuse ours the Mother's Nature and replacement using the electronic things as light on instead of using oil as it's bad for for Mother's Nature and ours health ,too! Understand the points is still taking the time to gets rids of drilling oils of anything as future nears and that's my goals ahead for this abd as the same for the Nuclear need gets rids of this itself is extremely too damn darn very too dangerous costly hugely extremely too much too expensive for cleaning the nuclear waste nut head and hate nuclear itself very bad to using as depending on that for what's else going on with this! Use as elections on as full lights on thr whole worlds as ve wise gets rids of the unwise user as like oil as like Nuckear as like stopping the wasting wisely as just this ! That's my goals plans to work on this as is that's I already made an full promise to kept my words along with the full Mother's Nature sake so be it and God knows my heart with it as is so be it ! God always comes with us! Amen just think more positively ahead of ours ahead of time !

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Some interesting points although I can't agree with it all because of stuff like "it explains why the public gets angry at climate protestors instead of the oil executives who've ruined their future".

I personally feel it's the oil execs who've enabled us to lead the comfortable lives we do, the climate protesters are the ones who're misguided. I'm sure they're sincere in their beliefs as they block the roads whilst clad in Goretex and other fabrics derived from .... well, you know.

But the concept of the truth tellers being "punished" for telling the truth is a valid one

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You just did the thing, my man.

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